Berry college engagement photos,

Spring is in the air so that means lots of photos! Spring is typically my busiest time for photos which is great because it’s my favorite time of year.

Because Caroline and Bryce are getting married this fall they chose to have a spring engagement session at Berry College in Rome, Georgia. Berry is one of my favorite places for photos because the campus is absolutely stunning! The grass is always beautiful and the stone buildings make for a classic backdrop.

Berry College is huge so I like to limit the locations and maximize the amount of photo time.

We started by the entrance of what is known at Berry as “The Castle.” The Castle is my favorite place for engagement photos at Berry. It is a perfect combination of natural beauty and whimsical charm.

Next, we walked to the stairs connected to the long rock wall.

Afterward, we returned to the center of The Castle to finish our Berry College Engagement Photos.

Conclusion: Berry College Engagement Photos

Caroline and Bryce had a wonderful engagement session. It was actually supposed to rain during the photos but the weather held out and gave us some nice, even light.

If you are getting married and would like to book your wedding click here to send an inquiry!

Berry College Engagement Photos

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